

Dr. 罗拉贝克


Professor of Psychology and Director of General Education


Dr. 罗拉贝克, 副教授, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, teaches the Honors course, 介绍 to Behavioral Neuroscience. 在这门课程中,学生学习神经系统以及它如何控制人体的活动. In addition to the textbook, 学生们阅读罗伯特·萨波尔斯基和奥利弗·萨克斯的文章,这些文章展示了神经损伤患者的案例研究,或者对神经科学的发现如何启发我们对自己的理解的批评.|

"After taking this course, 我希望学生们对自己的神经系统的功能有更深入的了解,博士解释道。. 贝克尔. “关于如何更好地集中注意力,学生可以学习一些技巧和技巧, need for sleep and ability to learn college material. 学生们不仅培养了对神经科学领域的欣赏, they come away with a better understanding of their own behavior."

在荣誉学生中. 贝克尔的言论, “我喜欢教UE荣誉学生,因为他们带着理解的愿望来上课. Conversation about the essays is always lively and full of great insight!"

Dr. 贝克尔在赖特州立大学获得生物学和心理学双学士学位, as well as a MA in psychobiology and PhD.. in behavioral neuroscience from Binghamton University. Her research expertise is in the field of behavioral neuroscience. She has been published in numerous scholarly journals, including Comparative Clinical PathologyJournal of Applied Biological Sciences. Dr. 贝克尔 is a member of the Nu Rho Psi Neuroscience Honors Society, Phi Kappa Phi, and The National Society of Collegiate Scholars. 她于2007年获得艺术与科学学院院长教学奖,并于2004年获得学生学院院长年度顾问奖.

Dr. 黛安·布鲁尔,文学士,博士




Dr. 黛安·布鲁尔, 戏剧教授, 教授戏剧专业的三门荣誉课程——戏剧I和II和戏剧史概论. In describing the classes, 她解释说, 戏剧学1, 我们会看看那些符合亚里士多德传统的戏剧,以及那些有意偏离这些传统的戏剧. 当我们这样做的时候, 我们进行深入的讨论和写作作业,帮助学生学会识别和理解他们对戏剧的个人反应. In Survey of Theatre Histories and Dramaturgy II, we throw ourselves into the gap between past and present, holding ourselves to rigorous standards of research, 写作, 批判性思维."

“我希望我的学生感受到挑战和启发,继续探索他们自己的价值观和他们创造的戏剧之间的联系," Dr. 布鲁尔说. "I enjoy teaching UE Honors students because they keep me on my toes. 他们经常提出我从未考虑过的问题,并提出我从未想象过的解决方案. In that way, they reaffirm why I teach – to keep learning."

Dr. 布鲁尔拥有塔夫茨大学戏剧学士学位和加州大学洛杉矶分校戏剧博士学位. Her areas of expertise include theatre history and dramatic criticism, 她还为UE戏剧系担任编剧和导演. 她的文章已发表在《威廉希尔中文网站》、《威廉希尔中文网》(卷. 4)、戏剧专题,PAJ:表演艺术杂志,戏剧共享中心HowlRound. She has received such honors as the Dean's Teaching Award, College of Arts and Sciences, 英国威廉希尔中文网站毕业,并获得肯尼迪中心美国大学戏剧节的戏剧功勋证书.

Dr. 罗伯特·格里菲思

Professor/Creative Writing/English

Room 416B, Olmsted Hall

罗伯特·格里菲思, Professor of Creative Writing, has taught several Honors courses, including Irish Literature and 介绍 to Creative Writing. 在他的荣誉课程《英国威廉希尔中文网站》中,学生们使用了这部热门电视剧 《威廉希尔中文网》 作为审视和探索后现代文学(如纳博科夫的作品)可能性的镜头 微暗的火Italo Calvino's If on a Winter's Night a Traveler,以及其他小说.|

"After taking one of my courses, 我希望学生们不仅对我们所学的科目有了更好的理解, but also a greater love for literature itself," comments Professor Griffith.

关于荣誉学生, Professor Griffith notes, “我最喜欢教UE荣誉学生的是他们愿意挑战自己,更充分地探索他们遇到的话题. 同样的, 我觉得他们更充分地体现了大学的使命,因为他们更全面地参与学术和创造性的努力,这些努力真正改变了他们作为学生和世界公民的生活."

格里菲斯教授拥有田纳西大学文学和创意写作学士学位和阿肯色大学诗歌艺术硕士学位. 他的专业领域包括创意写作(诗歌、小说和非小说)和编辑. Professor Griffith is the author of four books, including The Moon from Every Window (David Robert Books, 2011),该书获得2013年诗人奖提名 A Matinee in Plato's Cave (水的新闻 & Media, 2008), winner of the 2008 Best Book of Indiana Award. 他还在期刊和杂志上发表诗歌和文章 诗歌,牛津美国人,PN评论,Phi Kappa Phi论坛,北美评论,以及其他. Griffith教授于2011年获得Sadelle and Sydney Berger杰出学者奖, 以及2005年英国威廉希尔中文网站年度杰出教授奖.

Dr. 詹姆斯•麦克劳德

Department Chair/History


Dr 詹姆斯•麦克劳德 was educated at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, receiving an MA in 1988 and a PhD in 1993. He taught history and British Studies at Harlaxton from 1994-1999, and since 1999 he has been a member of the History Department at UE, where he teaches courses in European History 和 two World Wars. Dr MacLeod is the author of Evansville in World War Two [2015] The Cartoons of Evansville's Karl Kae Knecht [ 2017]. 2016年,他为WNIN PBS撰写并联合制作了一部关于二战时期埃文斯维尔的两集纪录片,名为《威廉希尔中文网站》. In 2000, he published a book on 19th-century British religion, 第二次颠覆, and has also written over 30 other scholarly publications. He has delivered hundreds of public lectures, has won many awards for his teaching and scholarship, and was UE's Outstanding Teacher in 2009. MacLeod is an active local historian, and serves on the Boards of the Vanderburgh County Historical Society, the Southwestern Indiana Historical Society, 和 Evansville Museum of Art, 历史与科学.

Dr. 玛丽Plikuhn



Room 55, Schroeder School of Business Building

Dr. 玛丽Plikuhn于2010年获得普渡大学社会学博士学位,研究生辅修老年学. 她还拥有社会学和婚姻家庭治疗的研究生学位. Her area of research specialization is in family sociology, specifically in the success of first-generation college students. In addition to her research, Dr. Plikuhn teaches a variety of courses in sociology, including: Marriage and Family, 性别与性, 死亡与临终, Environmental Sociology, 及研究方法. Dr. Plikuhn在2012年被评为英国威廉希尔中文网站年度杰出教师, presented the Berger Award for Service in 2016, 并于2022年被授予Eykamp大学杰出贡献奖. 目前, she is the Director of the Gerontology Center at UE, and serves as the Director of Sociology Programs, 协调社会学和老年学专业和社会与人类服务辅修专业, as well as advising for Pre-Social Work.