
Ace保健 is an organization founded by University of Evansville Doctor of 物理治疗 (DPT) students. Our organization currently has three branches: Ace + PT, ACErcise, AceBuddies. Ace + PT is an outpatient 物理治疗 clinic that serves community members who are underinsured, 没有保险, 或无家可归. ACErcise serves adults who have had a neurologic injury or condition, AceBuddies serves children and young adults with special needs. Both ACErcise and AceBuddies are group exercise classes. All of these services are completely student-run and are offered at no cost to patients and participants.


Ace保健 was founded on the principle of addressing a growing need for healthcare services among the most vulnerable in our community with the educational experience of UE's DPT students. Our organization provides an incredible opportunity for students to expand their clinical skills and social awareness under the supervision of local licensed physical therapists who volunteer their time and expertise to make a difference in Evansville's most vulnerable populations.


Are you a licensed Physical Therapist (PT)?
We welcome any licensed PTs in the community to work with us, since as students are required to be supervised by a licensed PT whenever any of our branches are working with patients or participants. 志愿者, it is required that you acquire your own personal liability insurance, which can be purchased through Healthcare Providers Service Organization. Financial reimbursement for this insurance is available, so please contact you would like to learn more. Depending on the branches you are interested in volunteering with, your role will be to supervise the students and oversee the physical therapy or exercise sessions provided.
Are you a community member looking for more ways to get involved with Ace保健?
We host a fundraiser 5K every fall called Ace Race. This year Ace Race will take place on October 29, we would love for as many people and/or dogs to turn out as possible—running, 走, 推着婴儿车, 在服装, 或者以上都有! 访问 our Facebook page 了解更多信息.
Are you considering donating to help Ace保健’s efforts?
As a volunteer organization, we are always in need of financial support. Donations can either be sent to the University's Office of University Advancement or 鉴于网上. Thank you so much for supporting us and our mission to care for the Evansville community!
Ace保健 man laying on back
Ace保健 student checking pulse