Campus Security Authorities

According to the Federal Jeanne Clery Act, 公共安全办公室必须每年报告校园内或附近以下区域发生的某些刑事犯罪的统计数据.

  • On campus -由大学拥有/控制,在同一合理毗连的地理区域内,并直接支持或与教育目的有关,
  • Student Housing -宿舍,乡村房屋,兄弟会和姐妹会的房子.
  • Non-campus -校外建筑和大学拥有和控制的财产,即使在另一个城市, 以及由学校官方认可的学生组织拥有或控制的财产.
  • Public property -校园内或紧邻校园的街道和人行道.

这些统计数据来自各种来源,包括公共安全办公室, 当地执法部门和任何对学生和校园活动负有重大责任的大学官员。”. These university personnel are designated as a “Campus Security Authority”. 虽然大学更希望校园社区的所有成员立即向公共安全办公室报告所有犯罪和其他紧急情况,电话:(812)488-2051或(812)488-6911, 我们也认识到,有些人可能更愿意向其他个人或大学办公室报告.

Who are Campus Security Authorities (CSA)?

  • All personnel of the Office of Public Safety
  • 对校园安全负有责任但不构成校园安全部门的任何个人或个人(一).e. (负责监督进入机构财产的人员). 包括那些在天黑后在校园里护送学生的人, 或者监控进入体育赛事或大型注册政党的权限.
  • 在学校的安全政策声明中指定的个人或组织,学生和员工应该向其举报犯罪行为.
  • 对学生和校园活动负有重大责任的机构官员, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings.

An official 被定义为任何有权和有责任代表机构采取行动或回应特定问题的人. 一般符合校园保安人员标准的个人包括:

  • University President
  • Executive VP Academic Affairs/Provost
  • VP Student Affairs//Dean of Students
  • Chief Diversity Officer
  • 机构公平助理主任和第九条协调员
  • Residential Life Staff
  • Student Engagement Staff
  • Fitness Center Staff
  • Cultural Engagement/International Services
  • Athletic Director, to include all athletic coaches, 包括兼职员工和研究生助理.
  • Advisors to student organizations
  • Greek Affairs

What does a Campus Security Authority do?

校园安全当局的职能是向公共安全办公室报告他或她收到的关于《威廉希尔中文网站》犯罪的指控,如果他们认为这些指控是“善意的”提供的. In “good faith” means, 我们有理由相信这些信息不是谣言或道听途说. CSAs are not responsible for investigating or reporting incidents that they overhear students talking about in a hallway conversation; that a classmate or student mentions during an in-class discussion; that a victim mentions during a speech, workshop, or any other form of group presentation; of that the CSA otherwise leans about in an indirect manner.

What shouldn't a Campus Security Authority do?

校园安全部门不负责确定是否发生了犯罪. 这是执法人员的责任. 校园安全部门不应试图逮捕涉嫌犯罪的肇事者. That too is the responsibility of law enforcement. 如果受害者选择不联系执法部门,cssa不应试图说服受害者联系执法部门.

What types of crimes must be reported?

  • Murder/non negligent manslaughter
  • Negligent manslaughter
  • 性犯罪(强奸、爱抚、乱伦和法定强奸)
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated assault
  • Burglary
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Arson

Hate Crimes (bias crimes) Associated with race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, national origin, and disability

  • All of the previously listed crimes
  • Larceny
  • Vandalism
  • Intimidation
  • Assault

VAWA (Violence Against Women's Act)

  • Dating violence
  • Domestic Violence
  • Stalking

Additional Reporting Requirements

因违反酒类法例而被拘捕的人数及被转介纪律处分的人数, drug violations, 在我们的《英国威廉希尔中文网站》地理上发生的违反武器法的行为必须列入我们的统计数字. (注:违反酒类法律必须是刑事犯罪. 只会有人违反了学校的饮酒规定).

What's Next for You as a CSA?

如果你在学校的角色或职能被指定为“校园安全主管”(CSA), 我们将通过电子邮件通知您,并要求您观看在线CSA培训ppt. 邮件中会附上培训ppt和CSA犯罪报告表格的链接.