
All members of the campus community are expected to assist in making the campus a safe place by reporting emergencies and criminal activity directly to the Office of 公共安全 by dialing the campus emergency number 6911. Emergency calls may also be made directly to the Evansville City Police/Fire Departments by dialing 9911. These numbers are posted throughout the residence halls, in the campus telephone directory and on campus telephones located in the lobbies of most campus buildings and residence halls. Trained radio and telephone operators are available 24 hours a day to respond to emergency calls. 当收到来电时, security officers will be dispatched immediately to the site of the complaint.

有关非紧急情况,请访问 非紧急响应页面.


If you witness a violent crime or criminal behavior, do not take any chances! Notify security immediately by dialing 6911 from any campus phone or using one of the 校园紧急电话.

If you wish to report criminal activity anonymously to local law enforcement, call the 我们的小费 热线1-800-78-CRIME (1-800-782-7463).

Maybe you have some information about a past incident? 请查看 报告A关注事项 form. You can help the University by supplying us with some information. It is important to give as much information as possible so be prepared to give the following information:

  1. 你的名字
  2. 事故地点
  3. 事件性质
  4. 涉及人数
  5. 所涉人员描述:
    • 种族(白人、黑人、亚洲人、拉丁人等.)
    • 男性 & 女
    • 高度 & 身材(矮、高、中等、中等、重、瘦)
    • 头发(金色、棕色、齐肩、短发等.)
    • Clothing (Blue jeans, red striped shirt, baseball cap, etc.)
    • Other physical characteristics (facial hair, tattoos, sunglasses, etc.)
  6. 涉及车辆描述:
    • Color
    • 制造(福特、雪弗兰等).)
    • 车型(四门、敞篷车、掀背车等.)
    • 车牌
    • Identifiable markings (decals, stripes, noticeable damage, etc.)
  7. Direction of travel if suspect fled the scene (north, 东南, Weinbach横跨南北, 核桃东长西长.)
  8. 涉及财产的描述
  9. You should remain available to assist officers by supplying them with additional information. 请其他人也这样做.

Don't let yourself fall victim to criminal activity. 查看我们的 “技巧” 预防犯罪信息页面.


受害人是否打算起诉, it is strongly recommended that rape or attempted rape or sexual assault be reported. Notify someone immediately such as a Residence Assistant, 住宅协调员, 保安处, 一位教授, 或者埃文斯维尔警察局. All complaints received by 大学将 be forwarded to the University Title IX Officer.

What To Do If You Have Been Sexually Assaulted and Reporting Options


校园 security officers are trained as first responders in first-aid and CPR in case of accidents or medical emergencies.


  1. 拨打6911或使用a 校园紧急电话
  2. 说出你的名字
  3. 你的位置
  4. 受害者的名字,如果知道的话
  5. 受害者的位置
  6. 紧急情况的性质
  7. 受害人情况(i.e., 无意识的, 出血严重, 抽搐, 没有呼吸, 没有脉搏, 极度疼痛, 令人窒息的, 疑似骨折或复合骨折)
  8. Stay on the line until the operator tells you help is on its way and releases you.


  • 头痛
  • 肚子疼
  • 轻微擦伤、割伤和擦伤

调用 卫生保健中心 在白天. The Office of 公共安全 will transport individuals to any of the local hospital emergency rooms after hours and on weekends and at the request of Health and Wellness or Training Room staff.

*如果在宿舍楼或村舍, contact your RA or professional staff for additional assistance.



住在校内宿舍的学生, 包括大学认可的房屋, have the option to identify a confidential contact person or persons whom the institution shall notify within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing by the Office of 公共安全 or by the Evansville Police Department. This information will be kept confidential and will be accessible only to authorized campus officials and law enforcement personnel in the furtherance of a missing person investigation. Students living in on-campus University or University approved housing may register their confidential contact person(s) in SelfService.


如果是学生, residing in an on-campus University or University approved housing, 据信失踪了24小时, the Office of 公共安全 should be immediately notified at 812-488-2051. The Office of 公共安全 will prepare a Missing Person's Report and initiate an investigation, 包括对校园进行内部搜查. 这可能包括使用宿舍生活人员, 核实教师的出勤情况, 采访失踪学生的朋友.

All reports of missing students made to the University Office of 公共安全 will be investigated.

If the internal investigation determines that the student has been missing more than 24 hours, 大学将, 24小时内:

  • notify the individual(s) identified as the missing student's confidential Missing Person contact.
  • 如果未满18岁, and not emancipated notify a parent or guardian and any other designated person(s)
  • regardless of whether the student has identified a contact person, 已满18岁或已独立的未成年人, 大学将 contact the Evansville Police Department.


每年, 大学将要求所有学生, 以自愿为基础, provide the University with an emergency contact person(s). This person(s) would be contacted in case of an emergency, 医疗或其他, 发生在学生身上. The student has the option to use the same contact person(s) that they selected as their Missing Person contact, or they can select a different person(s) Students can register their emergency contact person(s) in SelfService.